WTC Officials Face Admission-Fee Friction

post 24-June-2006 12:28
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Jun 23, 7:47 PM (ET) By VERENA DOBNIK

NEW YORK (AP) – After wrestling with the costs and design of the Sept. 11 memorial, planners face another dilemma – whether to charge admission to the museum honoring those who died at the World Trade Center.

The state Assembly on Friday approved a bill barring any state money from going to the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation if admission is charged. The state Senate approved an identical measure Thursday.

The bill’s fate, though, is unclear.

Gov. George Pataki indicated he would veto the measure, saying the museum needs income to cover its substantial operating costs.

(AP) This file artist’s rendering released Tuesday, June 20, 2006, by the Lower Manhattan Development…
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Any plan to charge admission wouldn’t apply to most of the memorial, including a visitor’s center, reflecting pools and walls containing the names of the dead. Those areas would remain free, Pataki said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday on his weekly radio show that a ban on admission

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12 15 04-July-2008 20:44
In: Pyramid And Eye Secret Solved …
By: H2onE2


Battery of Babylon

The Battery of Babylon was unearthed in Khujut Rabu, in the ruins of a Parthian village outside Baghdad in 1938 by German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig.It is a five-inch-long (13 cm) clay jar containing a copper cylinder that its edge was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy, and bottom was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and held in place with asphalt or bitumen.

Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also protected an iron bar suspended into the center of the cylinder. This one is known as the Baghdad Battery and is about 2,000 years old. A dozen of other similar batteries were unearthed in Iraq. Most sources date the batteries to around 200 BC – in the Parthian era, circa 250 BC to AD 225. However the Parthians were skilled warriors rather and their scientific achievements were not known. It would appear then that they inherited these batteries from one of the earliest known civilizations. According to the experts, the device after being filled with an acid or alkaline liquid could create an electric charge. It is believed that this old battery might have been used to …

Is Your Laptop Your Best Friend?

07-October-2007 13:23

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This story is two years old apparently, but I’ve not seen it before so I’m guessing others might have missed it too. I can’t vouch for its accuracy, but if it is true (and it seems likely to me that it is), then… well, just think about it…

I myself saw wireless keylogging devices designed to clip unnoticed onto a keyboard cable years ago disguised as an inductive choke, but I think I might spend this afternoon examining the guts of a couple of laptops I have lying around. Will report back if I find anything.



Turner Radio Network | October 4, 2005

Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet!

(IMG: Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From DHS, refused.

I was opening up my almost brand new laptop, to