Columbia The Illuminati Goddess

Concerning Owl Symbolism & Bohemian Grove

We should get this straight now, so that there is no more confusion. The owl being displayed by the illuminati is not Molech (moloch). This I hope to put to rest, here and now. If we consider the symbolism used by the brotherhood, the symbols most prevalent, go to the goddess.

In America, we call herColumbia

In England she is known as Brittania, hence British Columbia.

Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife, matron of nature and magic.

In the past she has been known as Semiramis, Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, et al.

The Triple Goddess is one of the two primary deities found in theneopaganreligion ofWicca. She comprises three separate goddesses united; a Maiden Goddess, aMother Goddessand a Crone Goddess, each of which symbolises a separate stage in the female life cycle.

Now, let’s look at the goddess symbolism. She is known as a triple goddess, trinities relate to her. In the Tarot the 3rd major arcana is the Empress.

She is symbolized as a phoenix rising and is known …