Battery of Babylon

The Battery of Babylon was unearthed in Khujut Rabu, in the ruins of a Parthian village outside Baghdad in 1938 by German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig.It is a five-inch-long (13 cm) clay jar containing a copper cylinder that its edge was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy, and bottom was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and held in place with asphalt or bitumen.

Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also protected an iron bar suspended into the center of the cylinder. This one is known as the Baghdad Battery and is about 2,000 years old. A dozen of other similar batteries were unearthed in Iraq. Most sources date the batteries to around 200 BC – in the Parthian era, circa 250 BC to AD 225. However the Parthians were skilled warriors rather and their scientific achievements were not known. It would appear then that they inherited these batteries from one of the earliest known civilizations. According to the experts, the device after being filled with an acid or alkaline liquid could create an electric charge. It is believed that this old battery might have been used to …

Daniel Estulin

Investigative reporter on secret societies, especially the Bilderberg Club.

Books By Daniel Estulin:

  • Secrets of Club Bilderberg
  • The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Daniel Estulin is an investigative reporter. He has earned various awards and has been investigating the Bilderbergers for 14 years. The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (2005) was named foreign book of the year by The Kingston Eye Opener In Canada. He was one of only two journalists to report on the Bilderberg meeting at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on May 5โ€“8, 2005. In September 2006, Estulin released the controversial book “Secrets of Club Bilderberg”.…

Fossilized finger

Found in the mid 1980s by a landowner where road gravel was being quarried from the Cretaceous Walnut Formation of the Commanche Peak limestone. Cretaceous rock is a hundred-million years old. Scanning techniques enabled studying of the interior of the fossil which is the finger of someone who rapidly died in a catastrophic event. Humans were present during Cretaceous times.…

Iron pillar of Delhi

There two such 1,600-year-old iron pillar in Delhi. The objects show no signs of rust or decay despite the weather conditions (over 1500 monsoons). The fifth century pillar, weighing more than six tonnes are over 23 feet high and consist of a single piece of wrought iron with an iron content of 99.72 %. (It is the purest iron found in the ancient world). Their surface is smooth and only some instances of scars and weathering can be seen. But it should not be like this… Any equivalent mass of iron, exposed during 1,600 years or more, to the Indian weather would have been reduced to rust only. These two iron monuments appear to have been protected from rust by the application of a thin coating of manganese dioxide. It is one of many suggested theories. By the way was this chemical also used in any other part of the ancient world? Who were the skilled metallurgists who made the pillars?…