Mallia table

The Mallia Table was discovered in the Central Court of the Minoan Palace of Mallia on Crete. It is a large limestone disk 90 centimeters in diameter and 36 centimeters thick. Around its circumference are 33 cups of equal size. A 34th. cup is larger and is located in a sort of ear that extends beyond the normal circumference of the disk. The larger cup is oriented due south. The disk is set in the stone pavement of a small terrace that is slightly elevated above the level of the Central Court. This strange monolith, which dates circa 1,900-1,750 BC, has been a puzzle to scholars since its discovery in 1926 by French excavators. C.F. Herberger’s thesis is that the disk is a lunisolar clock. The 33 small cups provide a convenient and symmetrical division of the 99 lunation’s of the 8-year cycle. By moving markers, one could have a fairly accurate lunisolar clock. The 34th. cup, by virtue of its larger size, would announce the need for an intercalcated month. This sort of clock, even though arrived at empirically, represents a remarkable innovation for a period almost 4,000 years …

Ancient Mayan aircraft

The small, approximately 2 inches long, objects, made of gold are estimated to be at least 1,000 years old. They were discovered in Central America. For scientists the artifacts were depicting animals and were classified as Sinu, a pre-Inca culture from A.D. 500 to 800… But only for them. For aeronautical engineers these objects more looked like airplanes with delta-shaped wings. So in 1997 they built a scaled up version of the objects to the exact specifications of the prototypes with the simple addition of an engine and propeller. The test was succesful. The radio controlled aircraft flew performing airborn loops, rolls and other manuevers, and then performed perfect landing.…

Ancient modern skull

A petrified human calvarium, a skull with the eye sockets broken off, was found along with other human bones and soft organs in anthracite veins in Pennsylvania. According to our official geological data, the structures of anthracite are minimum 300 million years old, so it would mean… that modern man has existed in the Carboniferous period or even before……