M.Cremo wrote in his great book The hidden history of the human race about spheres: “Over the past several decades, South African miners have found hundreds of metallic spheres, at least one of which has three parallel grooves running around its equator.” The spheres are of two types – “one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center” (Jimison 1982). Roelf Marx, curator of the museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are housed, said: “The spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth’s history when they came to rest in this rock no intelligent life existed. Theyยดe nothing like I have ever seen before.” “”There is nothing scientific published about the globes, but the facts are: They are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs’ scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago. On the other hand the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel.” The Mohs’ scale of hardness is named after Friedrich Mohs, who chose ten minerals as references points for comparative hardness, with talc the softest and diamond the hardest (Roelf Marx, September 12, 1984) According to the opinions of scientists the spheres are “limonite concretions” Limonite is a kind of iron ore….”A concretion is a compact, rounded rock mass formed by localized cementation around a nucleus.” (M.Cremo) But there is a one “small” problem… with limonite concretions. They are not particular hard (only 4 to 5.5 on the Mohs`scale of hardness), but the spheres are extremely hard…. Moreover limonite concretions appear in groups and not in perfectly round and isolated objects like puzzling spheres do… Another problem is that one of the spheres has three perfect parallel grooves around it. No natural explanation has been found for that. Conclusion: the objects have to be artifcially made.