Ecuadorian records

Back in 1965 an Argentine citizen, Juan Moricz, who is an amateur archeologist, was poking about in the Ecuadorian Andes about 150 miles south of Quito, in the Province of Santiago. He found a cave held in superstitious awe by the Indian tribes of the area…

250 feet below the surface was a platform leading into a vault of considerable size. Radiating outward from this vault was a whole series of artificial tunnels. The same situation was found at the 500-foot level and at the bottom, 750 feet below ground level.

These tunnels evidently were made in exactly the same manner as the tunnels in the Bayan Kara Ula Mountains in China… perfectly squared and highly glazed, as if formed by intense heat. There are thousands — perhaps even tens of thousands — of miles of these tunnels beneath Ecuador and Peru. Mostly they’re still unexplored because the radiation in them is very high and compasses refuse to operate down there…

Only a few hundred miles of them have been surveyed, and those mostly in a cursory manner. There are a great many chambers filled with artifacts and statuary but, …

Secret society

Secret Societies are organizations which though may be known in title to the public have secret membership, rites, rituals, oaths, etc. Freemasonry, the Society of Jesus, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, and Rosicrucian are a few examples of such societies. As a general rule secret societies have a militaristic hierarchical structure arranged in the shape of a Pyramid. Initiates of the bottom level are most commonly indoctrinated into the society through ritualistic ceremony and then are confirmed through their free-will based affirmation under oath to said society. As initiates advance in their respective societies of choice, they are usually required to submit to increasingly more serious oaths, so in effect as they’re allowed to rise within the structure and are trusted with more of that particular societies secrets they most likely must submit to these oaths. The oaths at the lower levels subscribe minor punishments for offenses against the society, as one rises in the societies structure the oaths severity of punishments rises with the initiates. At the upper levels the oaths usually call for the horrific death of the initiated should they ever betray/reveal the secrets of the society …



(from the F.E.M.A.’s homepage)

Advising on building codes and flood plain management…teaching people how to get through a disaster…helping equip local and state emergency preparedness…coordinating the federal response to a disaster…making disaster assistance available to states, communities, businesses and individuals…training emergency managers…supporting the nation’s fire service…administering the national flood and crime insurance programs…the range of FEMA’s activities is broad indeed and spans the life cycle of disasters.

The disaster life cycle describes the process through which emergency managers ‘prepare’ for emergencies and disasters, respond to them when they occur, help people and institutions recover from them, mitigate their effects, reduce the risk of loss, and prevent disasters such as fires from occurring.

And at every stage of this cycle you see FEMA — the federal agency charged with building and supporting the nation’s emergency management system.

From my part (helped by the web by a document named FEMA: The Secret Government accessible there):

FEMA – The Secret Government, by Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul. Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995:

First some things has to be said about F.E.M.A.:

It is not an elected …