Categories: Conspiracy Theorists
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Categories: Conspiracy Theorists
by Vaughn Greene
When I read of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting the world’s first modern UFOs on June 24, 1947, I was immediately interested. A few weeks after I wrote Arnold, two friendly F.B.I. agents came for a visit. Here was I, a 17-year-old punk, being interviewed by investigators who were not very sympathetic. This only whetted my appetite, and over the years I contacted some of the early flying saucer buffs, including Prof. Adamski, George Hunt Williamson, Kurt Von Zeissig, Yukio Matsumura, Zecharia Sitchin, Meade Layne and others.
When the Korean War came along, I went into the army. While stationed in Japan, I began studying early Shinto legends and ancient mythology. To my surprise, these early tomes were loaded with references to aerial battles, underwater castles, exotic weapons, TV, and flying dragons that flew 6,000 leagues a day. What really impressed me were some prehistoric statues called dogu.
From my previous experience with the diving and aircraft industries, I felt sure these things were depicting a diving suit, or a space suit, or a combination of both. Dogus were made …
The substitutes of the sugar based on aspartame causes worrying symptoms ranging from the loss of memory up to brain tumors. But in spite of the FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration – organism for the certification and the control of food and medecines in the United States) approbation of putting it in the picture of food additives ‘without danger’, the aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances ever imposed on a public without mistrust.
Aspartame is a technical term for brands carrying the name of NutraSweet, Canderel, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure.
The aspartame was incidentally discovered in 1965, when James Schattler, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company, was testing an antiulcerative drug.
The aspartame was allowed for the dry food in 1981 and for gaseous drinks in 1983. It was at the beginning approved for the dry food on July 26th, 1974, but because of objections issued by Dr. John W. Olney (related discovery from Mr. Olney), researcher in neurological science, James Turner, Advocate-General in consumption, (link to how they made aspartame available, Rumsfeld-related), in August, 1974, also adding the inquiries into the research practices of G.D. Searle, American …
These monolithic near-perfect spheres were discovered in the Diquis Delta, near the Pacific coast of southern Costa Rica. They have also been found around the southern cities of Palmar, Sur, Buenos Aires and Golfito and in the province of Guanacaste. Most of them have been dated between 800 and 1200 B.C.E. Their size is from an inch to 8 feet in diameter. Mostly made of a hard stone – granodiorite. Three large and aligned spheres point to Easter Island. The spheres are often grouped in geometric patterns such as triangles, rectangles or straight lines. At least 186 spheres have been decumented. How many more of them exist? No local source for the granite exists and no stone-working tools have been found in the vicinity of the spheres. These masterpieces are mirror-smooth and geometrically perfect. The maximum circumference error in a 6-foot, 7-inch diametre sphere in only 0.5 inch, or 0.2%. The outstanding stone-carving skills and mathematical knowledge were necessary for creation of such spheres. Unfinished spheres were never found. Did the Diquis culture possess such skills to produce them? As the ancient Costa Ricans had no written language, a chance …