In 1966, Dr. Javier Cabrera, a Peruvian physician and professor of biology, was given a rock for his birthday from a local peasant. On it was a picture of a fish, allegedly carved thousands of years ago. Upon further study, Cabrera realized the fish depicted was of a species that has been extinct for millions of years. Cabrera hunted down the source of the mysterious rock and found many others like it in Ica, Peru – thousands of them. On them were carved impossible ancient scenes: telescopes, open heart surgery, and even men battling dinosaurs!
Dr Cabrera has collected more than 6000 engraved stones. They depict very sophisticated surgery skills (open-heart surgery and brain transplants, a cesarean section with acupuncture as a form of anesthesia) and medical knowledge even more advanced than we have today. Blood vessels are shown being reconnected via re-absorption tubes utilizing the natural regeneration of cells. There are also depicted blood transfusions, the use of acupuncture needles as an anesthetic (first used in the West since the late 1970s), complicated operations on the lungs and kidneys, and removal of cancerous tumors. Other stones are showing a brain transplant. There are stones depicting flying reptiles, telescopes, star maps and lost civilizations, dinosaurs (brontosaurs, triceratops, stegosaurus and pterosaurs) and stones with genetic codes, and the prolongation of life. The stones also show horses and llamas with five toes, megatherium (huge giant sloth bear), alticamellus (a mammal with the head and neck of a giraffe and the body of a camel, megaceros (giant deer), mammoths (primitive elephants), diatrymas (giant carnivorous birds) and other animals. That does it mean? Perhaps the people who had carved these stones lived in a very distant past long before the Pre-Incas…
In his book The Message of the Stones wrote Dr. Javier Cabrera: “The stones are of different sizes, weight, and color. The smallest weigh 15-20 grams, and the largest about 500 kilograms. They are grey, black, yellowish, and pinkish. They are shaped like river rocks, the pebbles and small boulders seen on river barks, beaches, and alluvial plains. But river rocks are notable for their durability; the Ica stones, on the other hand, are so fragile that if one knocks against another or is dropped to the floor, it will shatter.” They were first seen and recorded by Jesuit missionary Father Simon, who accompanied Pizarro in 1525. Samples were shipped to Spain in 1562. Their authenticity has neither been proved or disproved. They are still a mystery however it could also be extraterrestrial visitorsยด own knowledge.